Support the world’s leader in asset management in its media relations in France
Our mission: to strengthen the presence on the French market of the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, which has over $ 5 trillion in assets under management.
Faced with a lack of knowledge of the structure and its activities, the company had to deal with a confusion on whether it was a financial assets manager or an investment funds.
CLAI supports BlackRock in its media relations in France. Since June 2016, BlackRock communications strategy in France has been developed and deployed by CLAI: governance, risk management tools, positioning specific to each subject. The public knowledge of the Group improved (rewriting of language elements, media coverage of the BlackRock Investment Institute), and the visibility of its products and brands (iShare) increased (media meetings plan).
Over the 2015-2016 period, CLAI provided support in the form of a press office, which enabled BlackRock media volume to grow by 43% and to have in average 200 items in media coverage per month. The media trainings, organized events, published forums and organized media meetings have contributed to such success.